Tuesday 2 July 2013

Is it time for a rest?

I have recently come back from a long awaited holiday in Corfu. The area my husband and I stayed at was called Canal D'Amour, Sadari, it was indeed love at first sight. Such a beautiful place to be. Having been to Corfu before and driven around the island (including three laps of a round-about in Corfu town) we decided just to chill by the swimming pool all week. It was as they say a dogs life. This little friend joined me one morning and then scampered away again following the crowd. It is so easy to follow the crowd and get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and forget to stop and listen to God. Even God rested on the seventh day and if he needs a rest so do we (Gen 2:2).

I like to read but of late have struggled to find the time to read just for me rather than books I have to read to complete an essay. It's been nice to be able to relax and read what I want. Two of the books I enjoyed, I read more, were David Walliam's Camp David and The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. Walliam's autobiography is a very honest account of his life and things that have made him who he is today. We are all molded by our past but not many of us would want to put those painful moments in black and white and share them with the world. But perhaps we should be willing to share more of the things that make us who we are? Perhaps we should be more willing to share how the Spirit of God has changed our lives with those that don't know God?

Joyce's book is a fantastic read. Harold goes to post a letter to a friend but ends up going past the post box to the next one. Having got to the next post box he decided to continue walking... I won't spoil the plot for you by telling you what happens. Walking is good, resting is essential. God calls us to follow him. To walk with him in faith. To journey with him. He also invites us to rest with him (Ex 34:21, 35:2). 

Jesus said, 'Take my yolk upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls 
(Matt 11:29).      

Is it time for a rest?


  1. I was reminded recently about just one way how we can achieve some rest - to let go -to lay things down.
    Those things that are in our HANDS - the activities - the doings - the things that have been loaded on us and maybe the things we have taken on
    Those things in our HEARTS - the emotions - the concerns and burdens that are maybe not for us but what we have loaded on ourselves - those things which we can do little or nothing about but just continue to carry
    Those things in our HEADS - the thoughts that draw us down - the thoughts that are only perceptions and not realities

    We are I believe also to be cautious just how and where we take the rest

    Rest is not just a time of inactivity - rest is freedom from things that weary us trouble us or disturb us

    We need to be aware of those things that are wearying us - troubling us and disturbing us

    A week away from them is not going to solve the problem - these things need to be faced and addressed

    Oh Lord give us the wisdom please and then equip us with the courage and the strength to act

  2. Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the great comments, as always. Sometimes we are so busy we don't realize how much we need to rest, and in particular to rest in God. So I think a sabbath rest every week, a day where we don't do our normal work, is important. I actually find it difficult to disengage my brain and rest. (A funny story about disengaging my brain came into my head about that last night so I may well have to write that one down.) Inactive rest seems impossible for me. To rest I need to do something like swim, or walk, or read. resting for me is also about processing thoughts and giving them to God and importantly listening to what he has to say on the matter. Sometimes we are so busy rushing around and talking to God we forget to listen to him. Rest for me is resting in God and listening to his still small voice.

    We often worry about things and try and solve the problem but it is not always our problem to solve. Some problems actually can't be solved, these are the ones we really need to give to God but are perhaps the most difficult to lay down at the foot of the cross. Harold Fry in the novel tries to solve a problem, his friend is dying. He thinks if he keeps on walking he can solve it but it doesn't quite work like that. Some things need fixing and require us to speak up. Somethings need fixing but we are not the person to fix them. Somethings can't be fixed/changed. All things need to be given to God and for our own sanity we need to rest in him. A week away doesn't solve problems but it can help to put life into perspective and help us to draw strength in our Redeemer.


Please comment and let me know what your thoughts are. Open to all but please don't be rude!